ISU RELEASED TEXTS - Post Launch and Miscellaneous
The following pages are created by using both our knowledge of the language and the community's work on it. You can find all the sources at the following link.
In this page, you can find the texts containing the Isu language, words and sentences released during the Post Launch for Assassin's Creed Valhalla. In addition to that you will find some sentences translated by the language author, Antoine Henry, and some other miscellaneous words.
For each of them there will be:
- Their location and how to unlock them (if needed)
- By moving your mouse over the pictures, you will see the instant translation of every word contained in them.
- The transcription of the Isu text using our font (that you can download here), ready for you to copy and use
- The romanization of the Isu text (useful to learn how to read it)
- The English translation for every Isu sentence
- The video from our channel that features our explanation about how we translated the text (if available)
WHERE TO FIND IT: Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Ubisoft Forward Teaser Trailer
HOW TO UNLOCK IT: Use a spectrum analyser on the last part of the trailer, starting from 4.25 minutes and use the words that appear to translate the ones on the Gate.

(A) wàHds dù GesA Garàsa
(B)dù GesA wahèh hNHNàsi
(C) cayHoss wàHdm zreHòdi HaG R blàyzòdi R
(A) Wàrhds dű gwesá gwaràsa
(B) Dű gwesá wahæh hṇrhṇàsi
(C) Chayrhoss wàrhdm zrerhôdi rhagw ṛ blàyzôdi ṛ
(A) Mad One what have you done?
(B) What do you truly understand?
(C) Would a blind go mad trying to see?
If you have any doubt or if you need more explanations, feel free to leave a comment below! We will answer as soon as we can!
WHERE TO FIND IT: Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Siege of Paris DLC, the real life Saint-Denis Basilica, Ubisoft videos.
HOW TO UNLOCK IT: Visit the Saint Denis Basilica in-game and its surroundings to find a cave containing the first Isu writing (A).The riddles lead to some coordinates prompting fans to visit the real life basilica in Saint-Denis, France where they could find a QR code that lead to a video featuring a new Isu sentence (B).
The sentence in (B) can also be found in the picture "Error" realesed in the Siege of Paris Fan Kit by Ubisoft.Eventually Ubisoft released a final riddle on their social media accounts featuring two new Isu sentences (C and D).

(A) oènos cuNdi toè saKNdi .30%.&7! .25.£1$
(B) dù duh hàsòdi tA càyzàsi hM hMid tA dù mérmNàs GesA apovlòz R cRdàsicR
(C) cNHU maHacsosàè caz cRdòdi
(D) hM hmàs cNHUh hàsoma hM maHacsA mérmNA tozmòd cRdoma nùè hM hmàs KayèsA cRdomi
(A) Oænos chuṇdi toæ sakwṇdi .eoâ.ôòű .üa.ǽiá
(B) Dű duh hàsôdi tá chàyzàsi hṃ hṃid tá dű mérmṇàs gwesá apovlôz ṛ chṛdàsichṛ
(C) Chṇrhú marhachsosàæ chaz chṛdôdi
(D) Hṃ hmàs chṇrhúh hàsoma hṃ marhachsá mérmṇá tozmôd chṛdoma nűæ hṃ hmàs kwayæsá chṛdomi
(A) They see it, they proceed. 48.935455322265625 2.3598175048828125
(B) You are looking for what is part of you, I for what I am, how much are you willing to sacrifice?
(C) Family prepares for greatness
(D) I was part of my family, I prepared a lot for this, now I prepare my revenge
If you have any doubt or if you need more explanations, feel free to leave a comment below! We will answer as soon as we can!
WHERE TO FIND IT: Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Dawn of Ragnarok Trailer and Dawn of Ragnarok Fan Kit
HOW TO UNLOCK IT: Watch the trailer and stop it at 00:44 seconds and at 01:13 seconds. Use the picture “ACV_DOR_DO_NOT_OPEN” from the Fan Kit to translate the sentences from the trailer.

(A) dù duàs zwayrA Nsmàs hucA vRH R hèwQcàsi
(B) dù hM hèwQcàsi HNhérs
(C) dù duàs wahèrm dawHrm stLmNè hN vRHàsi
(A) Dű duàs zwayrá ṇsmàs huchá vṛrh ṛ hæwòchàsi
(B) Dű hṃ hæwòchàsi rhṇhérs
(C) Dű duàs wahærm dawrhrm stḷmṇæ hṇ vṛrhasi
(A) Abandon your fears to save our future
(B) Will you abandon me father?
(C) Will you save your true children instead?
If you have any doubt or if you need more explanations, feel free to leave a comment below! We will answer as soon as we can!
WHERE TO FIND IT: Assassin's Creed Valhalla – Tombs of the Fallen – Part 1 & 2
HOW TO UNLOCK IT: Explore Manius's Sanctum, Boudicca’s Tomb, Cassivellaunus’ Tomb, Togodomnus' Tomb, Verica's Tomb and Venutius’ Tomb – Eivor will pronounce a few Isu language words and then she explores the Eden Ring Station

(A) SuàH - SuàG
(B)Dù hàsM Hobtoràs oènosòd oèHàsi
(C)NRcdrM - smRmN Zràw
(A) Shuàrh - Shuàgw
(B) Dű hàsṃ rhobtoràs oænosôd oærhàsi
(C) Ṇṛchdrṃ - Smṛmṇ Zràw
(A) Wake up - Speak
(B) Open for the sake of one (a member) of the Chosen Ones
(C) Unlocker - Memory stream
If you have any doubt or if you need more explanations, feel free to leave a comment below! We will answer as soon as we can!
WHERE TO FIND IT: Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Crossover Stories: Follow Kassandra in the quest and reach the Standing Stones featuring Brendan of Clonfert's message
HOW TO UNLOCK IT: Play the Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Crossover Stories

gùzè GawèKat hN sawHto
HawHh Soàzrh hùcto
GamNdàs nàgàs zwUHh hNHarzto
dù hNdR stLNdicR SoRHèsA
SuèSolhèsAKat smRàsi
Kűzæ gwawækwat hṇ sawrhto
Rhawrhh shoàzrh hűchto
Gwamṇdàs nàgàs zwúrhh hṇrharzto
Dű hṇdṛ stḷṇdichṛ shoṛrhæsá
Shuæsholhæsákwat smṛàsi
Born in mud and excrement
Cleansed in cold waters
Wrapped in the shroud of coming death
Remember the pain
And despair that lie within
If you have any doubt or if you need more explanations, feel free to leave a comment below! We will answer as soon as we can!
WHERE TO FIND IT: Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Animus Store: Knight Isu Tattoo Set
HOW TO UNLOCK IT: Purchase the Tattoo Set from the Animus Store for 200 Helix Credits
NOTE: The tattoos’ text is the sameas the one from the Jerusalem file.

toz soHwL Sulh hNdR vréHòda SuàrNd cuès
nùè hM wLHmNc cagruràs locusè doSèsomi
Toz sorhwḷ shulh hṇdṛ vrérhôda, shuàrṇd chuæs
Nűæ hṃ wḷrhmṇch chagruràs lochusæ doshæsomi
This sun shone warmly inside, a burning sight
Now I soothe the wound in a lake of tears
If you have any doubt or if you need more explanations, feel free to leave a comment below! We will answer as soon as we can!
WHERE TO FIND IT: Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Crossover stories – On an islet within a lake located in the South-West of the Isle of Skye Map.
HOW TO UNLOCK IT: Collect the Treasure Hoard Map located at the Excavation Site in the North-Western part of the Isle of Skye Map, then you can find the Tattoo on the lake’s islet in the South-West of the Isle of Skye Map.

For/to the powers
If you have any doubt or if you need more explanations, feel free to leave a comment below! We will answer as soon as we can!
The following sentences are not part of the official Isu Language corpus, but they were produced by Antoine Henry, the creator of the language, through several exchanges on social media.
Despite not being considered canon within the Assassin's Creed universe, they are very useful tools to understand how the rules of the language are applied to some renowned mottos or maxims, like the most famous one used by the Assassin Brotherhood.
- A: Tweet by Antoine Henry in response to @venngar_0011
- B: Tweet by Antoine Henry in response to @edenoi
- C: Tweet by Antoine Henry in response to @Spider_Mentor
- D: Tweet by Antoine Henry in response to @Spider_Mentor
- E: Tweet by Antoine Henry in response to @Spider_Mentor

(A) Noènos wahèAid oènosr zàHNdicR
(B) Ges wNhèAid dù hM N wLHàsi
(C) maHacsh mLosh maHacs aèHès Gamòdi
(D) maHacs aèHès maHacsos mLosos Gamòdi
(E) maHacs mLos maHacsh aèHèsh Gamòdi
(A) Ṇoænos wahæáid oænosr zàrhṇdichṛ
(B) Gwes wṇhæáid dű hṃ ṇ wḷrhàsi
(C) Marhachsh mḷosh marhachs aærhæs gwamôdi
(D) Marhachs aærhæs marhachsos mḷosos gwamôdi
(E) Marhachs mḷos marhachsh aærhæsh gwamôdi
(A) Nothing is true, everything is permitted
(B) What is love? You don’t hurt me
(C) With great strength comes a great requirement
(D) A great requirement comes from great strength
(E) Great strength comes with a great requirement
If you have any doubt or if you need more explanations, feel free to leave a comment below! We will answer as soon as we can!
WHERE TO FIND IT: Watch Dogs Legion – Assassin’s Creed Crossover [Update 5.5 and subsequent ones]
HOW TO UNLOCK IT: While completing the crossover missions, Assassin Darcy Clarkson will stumble on a puzzle made up of several Isu Language letters placed upon pedestals.

If you have any doubt or if you need more explanations, feel free to leave a comment below! We will answer as soon as we can!
WHERE TO FIND IT: Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Assassin's Creed Valhalla: The Converts Comic Book
HOW TO UNLOCK IT: Read the Comic book released by Glénat Editions

(A) mLs cNhè hèw7cèsA HNèsA caHodi
Dso hazA huchA dagòdi
HNès oènosròd Nac R GardrM dòdi
(B)NsM cNros [...] aèHòdicR
oènos oènos sìzwRid
pausosA mNziomA
(A) Mḷs chṇhæ hæwòchæsà rhṇæsà charhôdi
dso hazà huchhà dagôdi
rhṇæs oænosrôd ṇach ṛ gwardrṃ dôdi
(B) Ṇsṃ chṇros [...] aærhôdichṛ
oænos oænos sizwṛid
pausosà mṇziomà
(A) The strong fights against abandonment with knowledge (not confirmed)
He (not confirmed) creates a better future
knowledge for everyone is the key
(B) We Superiors (not confirmed) must [...]
There is one and only one goal
Freedom [...]
If you have any doubt or if you need more explanations, feel free to leave a comment below! We will answer as soon as we can!