Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Isu Language Cheat Sheet
Written by Sary, May 12, 2021

For all the fans among you that enjoyed as much as we did the Isu Language puzzle in Assassin's Creed Valhalla and wishing we will have the chance to face some more in the future installments of the game, we thought of writing a short cheat sheet to help fans translating.
This document has been reviewed by the Isu language creator, Associate Game Director, Antoine Henry, but it refers to the rules available in the given text files only and as such it may contain uncomplete informations. We will update the cheat sheet with new info when and if new material will be released.

After the pictures, you will find a link to download the full pdf. Enjoy!

Download the full PDF

If you have any doubt and you think we can help you, feel free to reach us out!
If you prefer a video guide to the Isu language, we suggest you to have a look at the following video from our Youtube channel:

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